Monday, August 30, 2010

“Visual” testimonials help sell the benefits of interior redesign and staging

Showcasing experienced entrepreneurs offers an added marketing communications or social media element to help promote their businesses. In addition, it provides a forum through which they can share solutions to unique business challenges that might be the answer to a similar challenge with which yet another entrepreneur is struggling. This openness of information flows with the following story offered by

Marianne Yurko, owner
Redesigned With You In Mind


The mission of Redesigned With You In Mind is to allow people to “fall in love with their homes all over again.” I’m an interior redesigner and stager who helps people with their home makeovers by simply using everything that they already own. This concept is particularly important in today’s economy for those who are tired of how their houses look, yet can’t afford a totally new interior design that traditionally requires purchasing most things new. Staging, in particular, is perfect for those having difficulty selling their homes often due to the fact that the interiors of their homes are not showing well. Among my specialties is color consultation which is valuable to people intimidated by the overwhelming color options available, today. And, I offer furniture placement that can economically and efficiently optimize the space and function of any room no matter its size or shape.

I look at the whole picture, not at a particular niche. Unlike some of my peers who prefer to specialize only in redesign or staging, or just in window treatments or furniture placement, I take it all on so that I can manage the complete project from beginning to end.

I have two ideal client profiles - women whose chosen careers are either inside the home caring for their families, or outside the home in the corporate world. Each has their own "house beautiful" vision in mind, but neither has the time to focus on making it come true themselves.

One challenge is finding the right way to market myself so that people will find out about me. There are so many people who might enjoy having a room or house redone or just a new paint color who don’t know who to call. The second challenge concerns the economy. It is getting people to understand that they can afford my services. The perception is that people can’t afford to make their homes look better. But, they soon learn that through redesign or staging, it really is possible.

As my marketing solution, I’m looking for different ways to market my business – networking through chamber events as well as giving presentations on redesign and staging to members of these same organizations. I find that for my business, it is much easier to acquire new clients at women’s groups. As a result, I’ve made special efforts to participate in several women’s conferences and symposiums this year as a way of gaining greater exposure. I also am a member of an association of redesigners and stagers, and am maintaining a social media presence on Facebook and LinkedIn.
As my affordability solution, I am making it clear to prospective clients that I will work within their budgets no matter what their requests may be. And, as a “visual testimonial’ of sorts, I am now showing clients homes on the market for which I had done staging, pointing out how quickly they have sold. These before and after comparisons - either online or in my portfolio photos - seems to have the greatest impact on helping potential clients understand the affordable value of what Redesigned With You In Mind has to offer.