Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nationwide challenge generates worldwide response for business coach

Showcasing experienced entrepreneurs offers an added marketing communications or social media element to help promote their businesses. In addition, it provides a forum through which they can share solutions to unique business challenges that might be the answer to a similar challenge with which yet another entrepreneur is struggling. This openness of information flows with the following story offered by

Victoria Cook, business coach
The Guilt-Free Coach

As a business coach, I help women business owners achieve their big goals or projects without all the guilt so often attached to such great endeavors. I use a 7-step, Guilt-Free RESULTS system that I have personally developed which acts as the framework for guiding women toward their accomplishments. It enables them to clearly know what their focus is and what their priorities are.

Not only am I a coach but, in several ways, I am the mirror image of many of my clients. I, too, am a busy, high-achieving business owner who is working to achieve the success I desire professionally without sacrificing what is so important to me personally. My clients can feel confident that I have been in their pumps and have walked out successfully to the other side of my goals.

The perfect client for The Guilt-Free Coach is the small women business owner with a staff of 25 or less. She is usually very successful, driven, high-achieving, but has something out of balance in her life or business. Or, she might have something big that she wants to achieve – whether it’s to increase her business growth or take on a special project – but, is not quite sure how to fit that into her life with everything else going on around her.

My business is growing well, but, like many business owners, I would like to have business coming in on a more steady basis. I took this challenge to my own marketing coach and, together, we developed an amazing program that accomplished exactly what I was aiming for and much more.

I launched a 30-day nationwide challenge through social media to business owners who wanted to achieve a particular goal, but were stuck in the process. It was based on their registering for an e-course from which they received information and inspiration from me to help them over the following 30-day period. I communicated with them daily by email to get acquainted and to provide a sampling of my 7-step system that they could put to use immediately. I also launched a contest through which candidates could submit their success results. From these I chose a winner who received a grand prize package. This program turned into a tremendous lead-generating tool for me. I now have people on my mailing list from all over the world and received my first international client as well. I recently began a group coaching program to which 20 percent of my challenge participants are now signed on. And, oh yes, the winner of my Big Goals No Guilt 30-Day Challenge exceeded her goal by 25
percent! To start your own challenge, visit